Welcome to Our Restoration Program!
This is a 9-class trauma-sensitive yoga program which will take you on a personal journey to healing. This is an experience of the heart, soul, mind and body as we learn to listen to and connect all three God-given parts of the self. Trauma-Sensitive Yoga is NOT counselling, but instead a creative avenue for facilitating an alternate mode of healing. We verbalise our feelings at times but our body holds onto trauma and often actually keeps score of the events. My prayer is that this program can provide you a sacred space to explore healing physically, mentally and spiritually.
CREATING A SAFE SPACE | Restoration #1
TARGET AREAHip Openers, Lower Back
EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL)2 Blocks, 1 Bolster, Blanket
DESCRIPTIONThis class is the 1st class of our Restoration Program. In this class we will be setting up a safe space for our practice and doing gentle slow stretches as we meditate on what it means to feel safe. This trauma sensitive class is slow pace yet vital to the start of your healing journey.
WHY YOU MATTER | Restoration #2
TARGET AREAHip Openers, Neck & Shoulders, Spine
EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL)1 Bolster, 1 Cushion, 1 Blanket
DESCRIPTIONThis is the 2nd class of our Restoration Program. We will be learning breathing techniques that can help us calm our mind while incorporating gentle yoga poses. Learn how to sync movement to breath as we meditate on our significance and why we matter in this trauma sensitive practice.
TARGET AREABack Bends/Heart Openers, Hip Openers
EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL)1 Bolster, 1 Blanket
DESCRIPTIONThis is the 3rd class of our Restoration Program. Have you ever been afraid to revisit feelings of hurt? What if there is a way to battle it front on and get rid of it? Join us in this trauma sensitive yoga class to take your first step in finding courage to be vulnerable.
OVERCOMING SHAME | Trauma Restoration # 4
TARGET AREAHip Openers, Legs, Lower Back
This class includes detailed audio description of Jesus' crucifixion and may trigger graphical imagery. Please exercise caution if you know this can be a trauma trigger.
This is the 4th class of our Restoration Program. This is a Trauma Sensitive class which focuses on how to deal with shame and what shame actually does to us. Join us as we start to peel off this layer that is potentially what has been blocking yourself away from your relationship with God.
FINDING JUSTICE | Restoration # 5
TARGET AREABack Bends/Heart Openers, Hip Openers, Neck & Shoulders, Spine
DESCRIPTIONThis is the 5th class of our Restoration Program. Sometimes bitterness, sadness and resentment eats us up. We are told to forgive but somewhere deep down, we cannot let go. Today we will be doing a gentle moving meditation, focusing on how to face these feelings and find justice when justice does not seem to be met.
I AM NOT A VICTIM | Restoration # 6
TARGET AREABack Bends/Heart Openers, Hip Openers, Neck & Shoulders, Spine
EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL)1 Blanket, 1 Block
DESCRIPTIONThis is the 6th class of our Restoration Program. Do you find that you often fall into the victim category? You are often the result of everyone else's failures? Maybe it is a victim mindset that we need to step out of. Join Alyssa in this slow yet challenging trauma sensitive practice as you being to have a mindset shift in how you view yourself, your situation and God.
FREEDOM FROM FEAR | Restoration # 7
TARGET AREACore, Hip Openers, Shoulders
DESCRIPTIONThis is session 7 of the Restoration Program. Do you find that fear often holds you back from all that God has in store for you? Our past experiences often shape our fears. In this traumae sensitive yoga class, you will be building strength and flexibility and at the same time find freedom as you explore the fears that might be holding you back.
DESCRIPTIONThis is session 8 of our Restoration Program. This trauma sensitive practice is a gentle flow that focusses on empowering you to make healthy choices. Start by learning to listen to your bodily cues and find courage in deciding what serves and what does not serve you and your purpose.
A NEW HOPE | Restoration # 9
TARGET AREABack Bends/Heart Openers, Legs, Lower Back
DESCRIPTIONThis is session 9 and the LAST class in our Restoration Program. This is a great trauma sensitive class to flow in gratitude, hope and joy as you look forward to what God has in store for you! If you have not finished the previous classes in this program, I recommend you follow through each class in order to deal with the past first before you end with this beautiful flow!